Sprinkler systems are essential to fire safety in buildings, and ensuring their proper functioning is crucial. To achieve this, the project team, comprising the client, commissioning manager, designer, and installer/contractor, will conduct a series of checks at various stages before functionally testing the system.
These checks are performed using comprehensive checklists during delivery, storage, installation, and pre-commissioning/pre-functional stages.
By completing these checks, the team can monitor the quality of the sprinkler pipework and ensure that the system is ready for hydraulic pressure testing.
This article will provide a detailed view of the checks required.
🟩 Delivery Inspection
Once the sprinkler pipework and ancillaries arrive at the site, usually delivered by a transport company, the following should be checked with the driver before being accepted into storage.
Any noted damage should be reported immediately in writing to the manufacturer/supplier, supported with photographs.
Ref | Inspection/Task |
1 | Supplier's consolidated delivery ticket is available, showing all equipment and ancillaries for inspection and being used to check the delivery. |
2 | A copy of the order is available for reference and used to review the delivery. |
3 | Pipework is packaged with end caps to protect the internal surfaces. |
4 | Pipework has the correct wall thickness. |
5 | Pipework has suitable flanges, where required. |
6 | Pipework is dry internally. |
7 | Pipework is not damaged. |
8 | Pipework surfaces are clean and not scratched. |
9 | Paint has been applied to the pipework at factory where required and is in good condition. |
10 | All ancillaries are included in delivery as per the order and delivery note including all brackets. |
11 | Replace any protection that has been removed. |
Sprinkler Pipework Pre-functional Checklist Template, based upon our article, in Microsoft Word + Microsoft Excel format allowing editing and clean exporting for your full use.
🟩 Storage Inspection
🟧 Storage Area
If the Sprinkler pipework is to be placed into storage on-site before installation, an inspection should be completed by checking the following.
Ref | Inspection/Task |
1 | The area is internal and shall not be affected by the weather. |
2 | If the pipework & ancillaries are not to be stored internally but externally, there is sufficient protection to protect it from weather and ambient conditions. |
3 | The surface where the pipework & ancillaries are to be placed is flat. |
4 | The area is well covered and protected. |
5 | The area is well ventilated and has no risk of high humidity. |
6 | The area is clean & dust-free. |
🟧 Storage of the Sprinkler Pipework & Ancillaries
Before the pipework is placed into storage, the following should be checked.
Ref | Inspection/Task |
1 | Pipework & ancillaries will not be over stacked. |
2 | Pipework & ancillaries shall not have materials stacked on them. |
3 | All ancillaries shall be placed in a safe and secure location so items do not go missing or get damaged. |
4 | Pipework/connection protection caps are not removed. |
5 | The pipework shall be raised from the floor to allow airflow and stop the risk of water ingress and damage. |
🟩 Pre-Installation Inspection
Before the pipework & ancillaries are installed, the following should be checked.
Ref | Inspection/Task |
1 | The bracketry is ready and can bear the weight of the installation, and has been spaced correctly and rated inline with use for Fire Systems. |
2 | The room/area is dry and watertight. |
3 | The room/area the pipework will be installed into is clean and dust-free. If there is dust/construction work, the pipework should be protected from concrete dust, cement. |
4 | Ensure that any connection kits are available to allow connecting the pipework. |
5 | Pipework is clean and free of damage. |
🟩 Maintenance/Access
Ref | Inspection/Task |
1 | There is enough space allowed around and above the pipework once installed to perform maintenance and remove components, where required [check the manufacturer's maintenance instructions for requirements] |
We have created this bundle to consolidate all the Equipment Pre-Commissioning and Maintenance Checklists that are available across the site.
The checklists are provided in Microsoft Word and Excel.
🟩 Pre-Commissioning Inspection
Once the pipework has been installed and before the pressure testing and commissioning phase, the following shall be checked.
🟧 General
Ref | Inspection/Task |
1 | Pipework & ancillaries are installed according to the project drawings & manufacturers' requirements [size, nozzle location]. |
2 | Discharge nozzles are installed and oriented per the manufacturer's requirements. |
3 | Where nozzle deflectors have been installed, they are positioned according to the manufacturer's requirements and not blocked from operating. |
4 | Pipework is free of mechanical damage, obvious leakage and corrosion. |
5 | There is no risk of loose objects being stored within the space on shelves, cabinets, or similar surfaces, near to the discharge nozzles interfering with there operation. |
6 | Piping is free to expand and contract without noise or damage to hangers, joints, or the building. |
7 | Pipework does not put undue stress on ancillaries and equipment, connected and bracketed to support itself. |
8 | Piping is installed with sufficient pitch and arranged in a manner to ensure drainage and venting of the entire system. |
9 | Seismic restraints, where required, installed. |
10 | All piping supports and hangers meet criteria set out in the specifications & manufacturers' requirements, including being securely fastened to prevent unwanted vertical or lateral movement during discharge. |
11 | Hangers, brackets and supports are not damaged, loose or unattached. |
12 | Pipework is independently supported, no other services are using the sprinkler pipework brackets as support. |
13 | Pipework is labelled inline with NFPA. |
14 | Any changes in pipe sizes are made with the proper sized reducing fittings. |
15 | All fittings meet specification requirements & manufacturers' requirements. |
16 | All fittings and ancillaries are rated correctly and in line with the system's pressure & manufacturers' requirements. |
17 | All equipment requiring maintenance is accessible (valves, fittings etc). |
18 | Piping does not block access to equipment that is part of this system or another system. |
19 | All valves are installed as per the drawing & manufacturers' requirements. |
20 | Pipework is insulated as per the specification and vapor sealed where required. |
21 | Pipework is trace heated as per the specification and vapor sealed where required. |
22 | All components, including valves and controls, are labeled according to the project naming convention. |
23 | Valves/pressure-reducing valves have been installed according to the manufacturer's requirements and are in the correct direction. |
24 | All pressure gauges installed and display scale as per design & manufacturers' requirements, where noted on the drawings. |
🟩 Documentation
Ref | Inspection/Task |
1 | All drawings have been updated to reflect any changes made. |
🔗 If would like more information we have written an article on how to hydrostatically test a Sprinkler System NFPA 13 SPRINKLER | Hydrostatic Testing Method with Template
⬜ References
To aid in the formation of these checklists we have referenced the following:
- Own experience,
- National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems.
⬜ Sprinkler Pipework Checklist Template [PDF / MS Word & MS Excel]
Here is an example of a Sprinkler Pipework Checklist that can be purchased and downloaded in our shop; click the ‘Buy Now’ button.
You will direct to our shop page.