Level 3 – Pre-Functional Testing and Start-Up

Level 3 is the fourth stage of the data center / critical system commissioning process covering the pre-functional testing and start-up of the individual systems and equipment within the project.

This is to ensure that, before moving to the next level all equipment and systems are energized, set up, and checked for their operation prior to being integrated with other equipment and systems, meeting the project requirements.

This stage will cover:

- Validation that the installations, equipment, and systems meet the design, drawings, and general project construction requirements,

- Pre-commissioning/Pre-functional inspections,

- Energization & Startup of equipment,

- Complete any works needed to move to Level 4 [Pressure Testing, Cable Testing, Flushing, General Testing etc]

- Documenting of all Level 3 tasks and activities,

- Ensure all issues and observations are closed out relating to Level 3, Level 2 & Level 1 tasks and activities

- Ready systems for Level 4 Functional Testing,

- Provide a Green Tag upon completion.

This is then followed by Levels 4, 5, 6 & 7
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