Throughout the Commissioning Stages of a Construction Project, there will be 4 types of progress reports produced and issued [Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Final Commissioning Report]. They will be written to cover the following items:
- Process Progress
- Onsite Progress
- Documentation Progress
- Closing out of Issues
- Observations and any Concerns
Why are they required
Reports are required as part of the full Commissioning Process throughout stages 1,2,3,4 & 5 to provide the project teams with an understanding of how a project is progressing.
The Daily report / Weekly Reports will be high level, the Monthly will be more detailed, and the Final Commissioning report issued at handover will provide a full overview of the project commissioning and how it was completed, including all applicable documentation attached.
Including fully editable versions of our Commissioning Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Final, and Factory Reports
The Final Report will take a considerable amount of time to complete and relies on a lot of external information. We cover this in more detail in the following sections.
Daily Commissioning Report
Or could be referred to as the Daily Diary, which is written at the later stages of the project [usually during the Construction Stage 3 of the Commissioning Process]. The Commissioning Manager / Team Leader should ensure that all engineers on their team complete and issue this for consolidation at the end of each day.
Its purpose and format is mainly to keep track of the ongoing site works, daily progress of the programme, and any issues that are being observed.
The format of the report should be as follows:
- Project Name
- Date of Report
- Engineers Name
- Summary of works and observations
- Day Progress
- List of Onsite Testing that was completed
Here is our Daily Commissioning Report above that can be bought and downloaded in [MS WORD].
[We have left this as a 'Pay What You Want' document so that you can have it as 'Free,' or if you can afford a couple of dollars to contribute to the development of the site, then it would be much appreciated]
To make it a bit easier, we set up the Daily Commissioning Report Template in Excel or Word that all the team can access, and then they can update, and the information is accessed efficiently.
The document will be quite short and we have included a template below:
Weekly Commissioning Report
Whilst the Daily Commissioning Report is more of an internal document, the Weekly Report is written to be issued to the Project Team/Client referencing the project information such as:
- Project Programme
- Commissioning Programme
- Commissioning Trackers
- Project Observation Schedules
Here is our Weekly Commissioning Report above that can be bought and downloaded in [MS WORD] for editing.
The document would contain additional detail and information consisting of:
- Project Name
- Date of Report
- Engineers Name
- Summary [including Observations]
- Commissioning Process Documentation Overview
- Commissioning Programme Overview
- Factory Testing Progress
- Site Testing Progress
- Training Progress
- Final Testing Documentation Progress
- Appendix for Daily Reports where needed
Monthly Commissioning Report
The Monthly Commissioning Report would be issued to the Project / Client team at the end of each month to fully detail and update the project on the Commissioning Activities and progress.
The easiest and quickest way to write the report is to summarize the Weekly Reports and include them for the month in the Appendix.
This way, as well as speeding up the process, we can then, by the time we need to write the final commissioning report, attach each monthly that will then cover all the Daily Reports and Weekly Reports.
Here is our Monthly Commissioning Report above that can be bought and downloaded in [MS WORD] for editing.
To complete the report the same information will be reviewed as the Weekly report, but more detail included as below:
- Project Name
- Date of Report
- Engineers Name
- Summary of works for the month
- Commissioning Process Documentation Overview
- Commissioning Programme Overview
- Factory Testing Progress
- Site Testing Progress
- Training Progress
- Final Testing Documentation Progress
- Appendix for Weekly Reports
- Appendix for Issue Logs
- Appendix for Programme
- Appendix for Document Trackers
- Appendix for Site Trackers
Final Commissioning Report
A Final commissioning report is written by the Commissioning Manager / Authority and issued at the end of the project. The report is created to provide a full historical document for any future reference needed for the building’s operation.
The report should include the following:
- The Commissioning Process Used
- How the Buildings Systems and Equipment were Commissioned
- Project Specifications relating to the Building Systems and Equipment
- Commissioning Process Documentation
- Commissioning Data
- Integrated Testing Reports
- Any issues that were observed and if closed out or still open
- Outstanding works
- Seasonal Testing Documents
- All Certifications provided by Local Authorities / Contractors
- System Manual and Building Log Book
- All Training Materials
- Operating and Maintenance Manual
- 🔗 Lessons Learned Report and Schedules
It looks like there is a great deal of work to create it, and there is if we are not thinking about it and prepared from the early stages of the project.
Here is our Final Commissioning Report above, which can be bought and downloaded in [MS WORD] for editing.
This is why we include the requirement for a template to be created during the very early stages of the process. It is so that we understand the requirements and that, as long as we are creating the other documents in the correct formats and they contain the relevant information, then the Final Report will basically be a cut and paste exercise.
The plan would be to create a format where all other documents and information will be inserted into the report via PDF or Microsoft Word. This will then leave the summary / executive summaries and some writing to complete.
We have been asked several times to create a complete document package covering everything we have uploaded to the site.
So it's taken some time, but here it is....126No. Documents for you to download in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel & PDF Formats.